Have you ever felt bored with the ordinary taste that comes across day and day out? Ceylon Black Pepper can certainly put an end to this and make your meal better than ever. The origin of Ceylon Pepper seems to have come from ancestors and has become even more substantial in the last 3-4 centuries. Ceylon pepper is the best pepper one could ever find in the globe. The quality of Pepper has a lot to do with the way of processing as well. If you reach Ceylon Extract, you are almost certain of getting top quality products.
Ceylon Black Pepper Vs Ceylon White Pepper
Having a better understanding of the two ultimate products will help you to make your money worth. Though both the products come from the same tree, the way of processing separates the two. Riped fruits are kept under the sunlight to produce Black Pepper, whereas Pepper without the outer skin is held under the sunlight to produce white Pepper. Black Pepper tastes far hotter than the white Pepper simply because of the aroma that contains in the outer layer. People who love spicier taste will go with Black Pepper, and ideally, they would want Ceylon black pepper.
Description of the plant
Pepper or Piper nigrum belongs to the family Piperaceae. Sticky roots which come from stem helps the plant to grow in a vertical direction by attaching to a supportive tree. Leaves of the tree are darkish green and have more of a rounded shape. Seed vessels, which are the core of the plant, will have small dots like fruits initially. They will continue to expand in size and finally change its color from green to red with time. Ceylon Black pepper is also derived from the plant, as mentioned earlier.
Pepper plants are a common sight in most of the areas in Sri Lanka, Just because of the perfect conditions to grow. Areas like Kandy, Matale, Kegalle, and low country where you get rainfall of over 1500mm is most suitable for the plant. Exposing the seed vessels to different temperatures through the life span is necessary for receiving desired outputs. Manure and organic matter in the soil will make sure an optimum harvest from the plant. By matching all these requirements, farmers can eventually harvest the fruits even twice a year. Fruits will change their size as well as color. Finally, when the fruits become reddish, farmers will start picking the fruits. The plant will permeate from the stem cuttings of the plant.
Uses of Ceylon Black Pepper
Ceylon Black pepper is one of the leading spices that can add an extra appetite to the meals. Apart from the common use, there are plenty of them unknown by the most. Taking a small amount of black pepper through the mouth can cure stomach problems. There is enough evidence that Black pepper can solve quite a few bacterial infections. Except for the grounded Black pepper, oil has become a popular product for so many health issues. Pepper oil can avoid stuffy nose issues, skin problems, headaches, and also high levels of blood sugar. Piperine in Black pepper is most responsible for the health benefits of the product.
The world market share of Ceylon Black pepper is around 2 %, and this has nothing to do with quality. This has been the story of many spices in Sri Lanka. Leading manufacturers of Black pepper are like Vietnam, Indonesia, and India. Evens these giants come second in terms of quality to Ceylon Black pepper. It is high time for Sri Lanka to make use of the gifted tropical conditions to a more significant effect. We Ceylon Extract can assure that we provide you the ultra super products at a decent rate. Join us, and the rest will be just as perfect as Ceylon Black Pepper.
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