That's Easy - Because they are the Best

Reliable Quality Medal

Reliable Quality

Providing the purest spices to clients is our passion. Our quality control department committed to maintaining the highest industry grade to meet the demand. All of our products are ISO 9001 certified.

CeylonExtract Experience Icon

Experience and Professionalism

Ceylon Extract team has expert professionals having years of experience in their relevant field. This experience helps us to understand and satisfy our customer requirements.

CeylonExtract Price Benefits

Price Benefits

Everyone needs to find the best product at the best price. We have provided the best quality product at the most competitive prices while maintaining the Fair Trade principles. We can also alter the pricing of the products according to the specific needs of the client.

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Trust and Values

Over the years, we have maintained the best relationships with our clients. We are honoured and humbled for the trust that they have reposed on us.

CeylonExtract Food Safety Icon

Food Safety

As an ISO 22000 certified company, we strictly follow food safety practices and maintain the traceability of our products throughout the supply chain.

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Technology advancement

We are adopting the latest technology to meet the customer’s needs and be a progressive partner.

CeylonExtract Sustainable Practices Icon

Sustainable Practices

We follow sustainable practices as we understand the need for protecting the environment. As an ISO 14001 certified company, we are committed to minimizing the social, economic and environmental impacts.

CeylonExtract Time-Efficient Icon


We are here for all our customers to find the solution without any hassle.